PUBG Mobile memiliki beragam jenis senjata dengan attachmentnya yang untuk menguasainya saja dibutuhkan latihan lebih Selain itu PUBG Mobile juga memberikan hiburan berupa skin senjata yang berguna sebagai kosmetik untuk mempercantik tampilan Untuk kamu yang suka menggunakan ScarL, kali ini kami akan berikan 5 skin senjata ScarL terkerenPUBG Mobile bedava sarı çizgili ScarL kaplaması için bedava promosyon kodu yayınladı Oyuncular PUBG Mobile tarafından verilen bu kodu kullanarak bedava ScarL cildine sahip olabilecekler PUBG Mobile Bedava ScarL Skin!The Year One SCARL is a limited edition weapon skin in BATTLEGROUNDS The skin isn't obtainable anymore On the 23rd of March, 17, we launched on Steam Early Access and so many of you have joined us in the best Battle Royale experience out there

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Pubg mobile maskara scar l-The Year One (Anniversary) skin is now a discontinued skin 1 Summary 11 Updates 2 FAQ 3 References The Year One SCARL is a limited edition weapon skin in BATTLEGROUNDS The skin isn't obtainable anymore On the 23rd of March, 17, we launched on Steam Early Access and so many of you have joined us in the best Battle Royale experience out there Throughout our journey, we went from a preMany PUBG Mobile players prefer this iron sight to the flat iron sight of M416 The iron sight of FAMAS is pretty similar to that of SCARL Moreover, FAMAS also has a bipod to make it more stable when you lie to shoot

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators"Modern assault rifle" ― In game description 1 Overview 2 Statistics 3 Attachments 31 Muzzles 32 Foregrip 33 Sights 34 Magazines 35 Side Scopes 4 Pros & Cons 41 Pros 42 Cons 5 Trivia 6 Gallery The SCARL is the light variant of the FN SCAR (Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle), a gasoperated shortstroke gas piston automated rifle chambered to a variety of casings ItM416 is a legendary and popular gun in PUBG Mobile In addition, both M416 and SCARL has two firing modes single and fullauto These guns also support all sights and scopes except for the 8x scope You can use SCARL and M416 for short, medium, and longrange combat
YENİ GELECEK OLAN MASKARA SETİ NE ZAMAN GELECEK ?This page was last edited on 18 May , at 2235 Content is available under CC BYNCSA 30 unless otherwise noted Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensorsSCARL PUBG Mobile Gun Damage SCARL is also a popular weapon in Player's unknown battleground SCARL is also a longrange and closerange weapon SCARL PUBG Mobile Gun Damage It deals with 43 damage
PUBG MOBİLE YÜKSELTİLEBİLİR SCAR LEn ucuz ve güvenli %5 İndirimli uc alışverişi için https//bitly/TexshThis page was last edited on 18 May , at 2235 Content is available under CC BYNCSA 30 unless otherwise noted Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensorsA popular conundrum among PUBG Mobile players is the choice of weapon between the M416 and the SCARL The SCARL is a very easytofind weapon in PUBG Mobile Most of the time, players will pick

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The ScarL is one of the numerous assault rifle options in PUBG Mobile The gun uses 556mm ammunition, and is a direct substitute for the M416 assault rifles in various maps The gun is availableOver the year, PUBG mobile has improved a lot whether it's weapons, map or features PUBG Mobile has created a benchmark Daily millions of player battle on PUBG mobile for chicken dinner We're back with our new PUBG mobile comparison articles Today we will be comparing two powerful AR guns in PUBG Mobile SCARL vs M762The power of SCARL IN pubg mobile is almost 4355 in different ranges and low recoil than another gun available in the assault rifle category The fring speed of SCARL in pubg mobile is about 75 out of 100 percent Best Compatible Attachments SCARL SCARL is compatible with 4 attachments types

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The SCARL is a relatively stable assault rifle, with a rate of fire that, together with its moderately low recoil, allows it to be easy to control With a vertical grip and compensator the rifle can comfortably be used on full auto even with a 4x scopeOver the year, PUBG mobile has improved a lot whether it's weapons, map or features PUBG Mobile has created a benchmark Daily millions of player battle on PUBG mobile for chicken dinner We're back with our new PUBG mobile comparison articles Today we will be comparing two powerful AR guns in PUBG Mobile SCARL vs M762Those XT weapons are the upgraded version of some old guns in PUBG Mobile, such as M24, UZI, Beryl M762, SCARL, and AKM XT weapons have the same appearance and attachment slots as the old weapons The new XT weapon groups are available to use in the TDM maps and classic map Livik However, the XT weapons have lower recoil and higher damage

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This page was last edited on January 21, at 0458 Content is available under CC BYNCSA 30 unless otherwise noted Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensorsThe PUBG update introduced players to a new weapon in the shape of FAMAS It's been almost a month since it came out, and it is important to see how well it compares against other 556 weapons like M416, ScarL etc Unlike other 556 assault rifles, this weapon is designed for close combat fightsOverall, M416 is a better weapon to use than SCARL in PUBG Mobile But that does not make SCARL substandard, as it is comparatively a more solid choice for close range encounters This makes it a

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